
Please find below an attempt at fixing

This is an intermittent failure which I haven't managed to reproduce,
so I am reduced to figure out what could have gone wrong by analyzing
the code.

AFAICT the NPE is thrown when LoggingMXBean.getLogerLevel(logger)
returns null - which I believe can only happen
when LogManager.getLogger() returns null.

I see that LogManager uses weak references to hold loggers - so my
suspicion is that one of the logger whose name had been returned by
getLoggerNames() has been gc'ed in between the two calls.

I have modified the code to accept this possibility - excluding the
two loggers for which the test itself holds a strong reference, as
these should not have been gc'ed.

I can't guarantee that it will fix the issue, but if it does not,
we will at least be able to disregard this possibility :-)


-- daniel

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