On Jul 30, 2013, at 10:00 AM, Stuart Marks <stuart.ma...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi Henry,
> A couple minor comments on this.
> I don't think it's necessary to snapshot other.value into a local 
> otherBuilder variable. If other == this, when the value is mutated by 
> prepareBuilder(), otherBuilder still points to this.value, whose contents 
> have changed. So the actual data isn't being snapshotted, as is implied by 
> the comment "seize the data".
> The essence of the change is to snapshot other's original length. Of course 
> this works because we know that prepareBuilder() only appends, so we don't 
> have to copy the entire value.
> I'd just use other.value and clarify the comment.

That's fine, I think the reason in earlier version to capture the other.value 
is to avoid member access multiple times?

As you said, I only try to get the length as that's  enough to ensure we 
"seize" the data.

> **
> It's a separate issue but I spent some time puzzling over the 
> (other.prefix.length() < length) condition trying to figure out why it's 
> necessary. It turns out that it isn't. :-) [At least that I could see; the 
> tests may prove me wrong.]
> It's invariant that other.prefix.length() <= other.value.length(). They're 
> only equal length if somebody has added the empty string to other. So the 
> condition saves a call to append() if this is the case. Having this test is 
> an optimization of sorts, but append() handles appending a zero-length 
> interval just fine, so IMO this extra test adds a bit of clutter to the code.
> Up to you whether you want to do anything about this.

Your analysis is correct, and I think it's really just defensive. I don't think 
it can happen as we do guard against other.value == null, which is the only 
case length will be less than prefix.


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