Alan, Tim,

I have addressed your comments and as a result - new webrev:

The list of changes:
1. The connection to Oracle site is removed (it's not internal, but anyway it's better not to rely on availability of external resource in test). In current version a server socket is created and accept() method is used for bug disclosure. 2. The cleanup method is added for closing file streams. The JTREG successfully cleaned-up on windows after this modification. 3. common/autoconf/toolchain.m4 untouched, but 'bash common/autoconf/' was executed to update


On 07/31/2013 06:35 PM, Tim Bell wrote:
Aleksej, Alan

The change in common/autoconf/toolchain.m4 looks correct to me, and I think that is a good place to have it. Remember to run 'bash common/autoconf/' and check in the files as part of the changeset.

I didn't look at the test case, but I think Alan has some good points.


On 07/31/13 06:45 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 31/07/2013 05:18, Aleksej Efimov wrote:
Can I have a review for the following problem:
The MACOSX JDK (more precisely - the classes) uses the select() system call to wait for different events on sockets fds. And the default behaviour for select() on Darwin is to fail when fdset contains the fd with id greater than FDSET_SIZE(=1024). Test case in webrev illustrates this behavior. There is at least one solution for it: use -D_DARWIN_UNLIMITED_SELECT compilation flag for all macosx sources: this won't affect other parts of JDK because they are not using select(). Currently, I have added this compilation flag to common/autoconf/ and common/autoconf/ I wonder, if there is a better place where I can put this flag?

The webrev:

Thanks for looking into this one. The build changes look okay to me but it's probably best that someone on build-dev agree to those. Michael McMahon can probably explain why the net code is using select for timed read/accept (I have a vague recollection of there being an issue with poll due to the way that it is implemented on kqueue with the result that it had to be changed to use select).

I think the test needs re-work. It looks to me that the it attempts to connect to an Oracle internal site so that's not going to work everywhere. In general we don't want the tests to be dependent on hosts that may or may not exist (we had tests that used to this in the past but they caused a lot of grief). It also looks like the test doesn't close the 1023 files that it opens at the start and so I assume this test will always fail on Windows when jtreg tries to clean-up.


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