Looks fine.

Since you have already turned the verbose off and reduced the locales, it
might be worth still letting it run N=12. The original idea with 12 is that
it increases the chance of running into daylight saving on and off cases.


On 08/13/2013 12:06 PM, roger riggs wrote:

The tests for java.util.Formatter were failing in the th_TH locale.
The test incorrectly relied on the locale defined calendar instantiation.
Java.util.formatter should be using YEAR_OF_ERA to extract the year
to get consistent results with the Japanese Calendar, for the other
calendars it does not change the values.
The tests are extended to explicitly test the Gregorian, Japanese, and
ThaiBuddist calendar formatting using both the Java.util.Calendar and
ChronoZonedDateTime calendars.


Thanks, Roger

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