
On 8/30/2013 4:50 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:

Please find below an updated patch for solution (c)


I'm fine with (c) that is a reasonable fix for this bug. The change looks fine with me.


best regards,

-- daniel

>>> It seems we have 5 choices:
>>> a. Not fixing
>>> b. Using regular 'synchronized' pattern [1]
>>> c. Using volatiles, synchronize setters only [2]
>>> d. Using volatiles, only synchronize setters when obviously necessary
>>> e. other? (like introducing new private locks - but I don't think
>>> anybody would want that)
>>> [1] <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_6823527/webrev.00/>
>>> [2] <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_6823527/webrev.01/>
>>> My own preference would lean to either b) or c).

On 8/30/13 10:38 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
On 8/30/13 9:21 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Daniel,

I'm fine with the approach in (c), just wanted to highlight the
performance considerations (volatile and synchronized need not be
equivalent in the uncontended case - biased-locking can mean there are
no barriers emitted.)

A few specific comments on [2]:


reportError doesn't need changing now that the field is volatile and you
aren't doing sync.

right. I will revert to original code.


pushLevel should/could be volatile and the sync removed from

right. thanks - I missed that.

In setPushLevel this seems to be unused code:

  262         LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();

unless there is some obscure side-effect in calling getLogManager ??

Well - yes it triggers the initialization of the logging system.
However the super class will already have called getLogManager() -
so this call should have no effect.  I will remove it.

setPushLevel might as well also be synchronized at the method level. All
the Handler methods already include checkPermission inside the
sync-block. Though I'm actually more inclined to change all the existing code to use sync-blocks so that checkPermission is done outside the lock
region. But a consistent approach either way would be preferable.

Agreed. Once I have removed the call to LogManager then the method can
be synchronized at method level.


writer doesn't need to be volatile - AFAICS it is only accessed within
synchronized methods.

Ah - no - it's called in isLoggable() actually. The whole point of using
volatiles instead of regular synchronization was to allow isLoggable()
to be called concurrently with e.g. publish() - so I would think
it's better to make writer volatile too.

Thanks for the valuable comments! I will update the webrev and send out
a new revision...

best regards,

-- daniel


On 30/08/2013 4:45 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
On 8/30/13 3:27 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Daniel,

As usual with these kinds of changes we start by trying to complete an
incomplete/incorrect synchronization pattern and get diverted into
changing the synchronization pattern. :) The latter of course has more
risk than the former.

Making everything synchronized has the benefit that we don't need to
analyse the "real" methods to check what would happen if one of these
data values changed mid-method. Might be harmless, might not.
Atomicity makes things easy to reason about.
Agreed. We can analyze the 'real methods' of Handler classes in the JDK.
But I'm sure there are plenty of
subclasses of handlers in applications out there that we don't know
about. So we can't really be sure
what the effect of changing synchronization might have on those

Making the fields volatile and un-sync'ing the getters is a potential
optimization for readers. But are these fields that are read
frequently by multiple threads?

At least three of them are accessed by isLoggable() which I believe is
called very frequently by
multiple threads (level, filter, and writer).

The downside of doing so is a negative performance impact inside the
"real" methods where every volatile field access requires
(platform-dependent) memory barriers.
That - I think - should not be such an issue since the fields are
I mean - we can see whether there are methods that do multiple access to
the fields in the
classes that define these fields - and fix that if necessary.
For subclasses, they will have to call the getter, which will require
synchronization anyway.
I mean - for subclasses - isn't the fact that the getter accesses a
volatile field or the fact that the
getter is synchronized equivalent in terms of performance?

JDK 8 is a major version of the JDK - so I think if we want to fix this
bug it's
probably better to do it now rather than in a minor update.

It seems we have 5 choices:

a. Not fixing
b. Using regular 'synchronized' pattern [1]
c. Using volatiles, synchronize setters only [2]
d. Using volatiles, only synchronize setters when obviously necessary
e. other? (like introducing new private locks - but I don't think
anybody would want that)

[1] <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_6823527/webrev.00/>
[2] <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_6823527/webrev.01/>

My own preference would lean to either b) or c).

-- daniel


On 30/08/2013 5:54 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
On 8/29/13 9:45 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
On 8/29/13 11:04 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
On 8/29/13 7:58 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
On 8/29/13 9:46 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
Here is the new webrev implementing Jason's suggestion.
Compared to previous webrev only Handler.java & StreamHandler.java
have changed.


Looks good.  I also agree that making those fields to be volatile
is a
good suggestion and only requires writer to acquire the lock.

A minor comment:  The setter methods in Handler class are
at the method entry whereas StreamHandler.setPushLevel synchronizes
after checkPermission() is called. checkPermission doesn't need
to be
synchronized. Either way is fine with me and it'd be good to do it

Hi Mandy,

Are you suggesting I should put checkPermission() within
the synchronized block? It might be more consistent with
what the other setters do. Although as you state it does
not matter much.

Having a second thought - do the setters really need to be
synchronized?   My guess is that StreamHandler.publish is
so as to ensure that the log messages are sequential and not
when multiple threads are publishing.  The spec is unclear.
Perhaps it
worths looking into this further?

I believe at least setEncodings() needs synchronization.
setLevel() had it - so are we going to cause subtle race conditions
if we remove it?

My own feeling is that keeping setters synchronized might be better.

We could of course say that a subclass which needs to prevent
e.g. setFormatter() from being called concurrently with publish()
should override setFormatter just for the purpose of synchronizing

One more minor note: MemoryHandler.pushLevel can also be made
L262: look like the log manager is not needed in the existing code.

hmmm. Right. It's already called once in the super class so removing
this call should have no effect. I will remove it.

-- daniel


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