On 9/4/13 6:55 AM, Joel Borggren-Franck wrote:

Please review fix for: http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=4987375

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jfranck/4987375/webrev.01/


Me and Alex have also worked on the structure of the docs trying to
unify them and have a better flow. Rough outline is:

This spec clarification and the uniform structure looks good.

Might be nit-picking - you can consider to clean up either with this fix or in any future of your revision to the javadoc of java.lang.Class.

Some in the javadoc refers "this Class object" as "this object" and either way will work Type names in javadoc are with {@code ....} tag as you have done in other places. s/this Class object/this {@code Class} object/ - there are several occurrences that should be fixed (in line 824, 1536, 1540, 1544, 1548, 1551, 1709, ... more). Similarly s/Method/{@code Method}/ in line 1538, 1542

L1554, 1892 - s/array returned/returned array/
I think that what you try to make consistent.


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