> This isn't every other platform, this is Mac OS X and all the baggage that 
> goes along with it! :)
> What do you actually need access to user.home for? Do you have empirical 
> evidence that this will break your application?
> The whole point of sandboxing is you no longer have direct access to the 
> entire system. The app must play inside it's sandbox, period, end of story. 
> Gone are the days of unrestricted access to the filesystem, that's the whole 
> point of sandboxing! This is all pretty well outlined in the "Sandboxing Your 
> App" documentation on ADC.
> Powerbox is there to solve your problem of opening user documents (with the 
> right entitlements) and there are mechanisms in place to allow opening 
> related files (with the users permission of course). Even a sandboxed 
> application can show the user the contents of his various folders in a file 
> open dialog. This all happens regardless of whether NSHomeDirectory returns 
> /Users/JoeBob or /Users/JoeBob/Library/Containers/com.blah.someapp

That should have been:

Which, btw, is a shadow of the users home directory... including symlinks to 
various folders contained therein.


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