I would suggest leaving it at 1100 for this review (JDK7) and to 768 (0x003) in 
JDK8. The latter will require another issue to be filed.

On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:25 PM, Dmitry Nadezhin wrote:

> For me, it is the only consideration.
> I'm sure in 768 because I proved it formally using ACL2 tool.
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 7:45 AM, David M. Lloyd <david.ll...@redhat.com>wrote:
>> If that's the only consideration then just use 0x300 instead, which is
>> easier to read *and* makes more sense anyway, in the context of the test.
>> On 09/12/2013 10:13 PM, Dmitry Nadezhin wrote:
>>> Should we change conservative constant 1100 to optimal constant 768 ?
>>> My opinion is no (in JDK7), because the constant 1100 has lower cost of
>>> review.
>>> I mean that chances that a reviewer approves 1100 are higher than chances
>>> that [s]he approves 768.

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