
While it might make sense to have method to return the adjuster for
TemporalAdjusters, is there any real benefit to have those parentheses
for TemporalQueries? Maybe it can just be an enum? Or we are considering
adding more parametrized adjusters in the future? Aren't we?

Now all interfaces and their corresponding utilities are TemporalXYZ,
maybe it is worth considering just to drop the "Temporal"? I know
I may ask too much:-)

The rest looks fine.


On 10/02/2013 09:01 AM, roger riggs wrote:
As noted in the issue[1], the static methods in the TemporalAdjuster and 
interfaces that provide implementations of Adjusters and Queries seem out of
place and are better located in a related supporting class so the purpose and
function of the interfaces are not diluted.  Adding more methods in the future
will be a better fit in the class.

The static methods of TemporalAdjuster are moved to TemporalAdjusters
and the static method of TemporalQuery are moved to TemporalQueries.
Those classes were previously package private and are now public.

Please review and comment:



Thanks, Roger

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8025722

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