On 10/02/2013 07:30 PM, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
On 10/02/2013 09:15 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
On 10/02/2013 06:31 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
One thing that I'd like to understand is the implication of moving
from phantom to weak references.
I think Cleaners as WeakReferences are not correct.

Imagine the following code:

         Reference<ByteBuffer> refBb;
             ByteBuffer dbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1000);
             refBb = new SoftReference<>(dbb);
         System.gc(); // can clear Cleaners, might already process them

         ByteBuffer dbb = refBb.get(); // whoops!

...you could get a reference to direct ByteBuffer after the cleaner has
already deallocated it's native memory block...
Ummm, aren't the Cleaners forbidden to run in this case?

The strength is: strong > soft > weak > phantom, that is:
  We can not process strongly-reachable soft references.
  We can not process strongly/softly-reachable weak references.
  We can not process strongly/softly/weakly-reachable phantom references.

If you keep the either strong or soft reference to dbb, then it's softly
reachable, not yet weakly-reachable, and then Cleaners are still
standing by. Note that Cleaners might run if your dbb is
phantomly-reachable, but that is OK, since you will not be able to
recover dbb through phantomref anyway.

You're right. I jumped to conclusion to quickly. I was mislead by the agility of a particular reference type to be cleared. It only makes sense that the strength is inversely proportional to agility.

Regards, Peter


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