
Please find below a webrev for:

8029281: Synchronization issues in Logger and LogManager

I believe this changeset will also fix JDK-8027670 and
JDK-8029092 - which I have thus closed as duplicates of JDK-8029281.

webrev: <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_8029281/webrev.00/>

Now some comments on the fix:


When a logger was garbage collected, and then a new logger
of the same name requested, addlocalLogger used to call
LoggerContext.removeLogger to remove the stale reference
and replace it by a new one. But sometime, the stale reference
was still in the reference queue, which caused the *new* logger
to be wrongly removed later when the reference queue was drained.

LogManager was also missing some synchronization for its 'props'


userBundle & resourceBundleName were sometimes accessed within
a synchronized block, and sometimes without. In particular the
getters were not synchronized, which could cause race conditions
because an other thread could see inconsistent data.

I also had to refactor the two methods getEffectiveResourceBundle()
and getResourceBundleName() into a single method.
The code there might be a bit more difficult to follow,
because I made sure it preserved the former behavior wrt to
what will be set in the LogRecord in doLog().


The new TestLoggerBundleSync.java has been great to test
the issues above in both Logger & LogManager (it detected
the drainLoggerRefQueueBounded issue).

Since I had to touch at drainLoggerRefQueueBounded to make
TestLoggerBundleSync.java pass I also threw in a
TestLogConfigurationDeadLock.java to make sure I hadn't introduced
any new deadlock (and it detected the lack of synchronization
in LogManager.props).

best regards,

-- daniel

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