Since the topic of serialization has come up recently, I'll take it as an excuse to bring up a problem that I've run into a couple of times with the serialization specification, which has resulted in user problems.

If you read section 2.3 [1] of the specification, it says:

"The class's writeObject method, if implemented, is responsible for saving the state of the class. Either ObjectOutputStream's defaultWriteObject or writeFields method must be called once (and only once) before writing any optional data that will be needed by the corresponding readObject method to restore the state of the object; even if no optional data is written, defaultWriteObject or writeFields must still be invoked once. If defaultWriteObject or writeFields is not invoked once prior to the writing of optional data (if any), then the behavior of instance deserialization is undefined in cases where the ObjectInputStream cannot resolve the class which defined the writeObject method in question."

If you go to section 3.4 [2] of the specification, it reads:

"The readObject method of the class, if implemented, is responsible for restoring the state of the class. The values of every field of the object whether transient or not, static or not are set to the default value for the fields type. Either ObjectInputStream's defaultReadObject or readFields method must be called once (and only once) before reading any optional data written by the corresponding writeObject method; even if no optional data is read, defaultReadObject or readFields must still be invoked once."

Now the problem: there are many classes in the wild which nevertheless do not write/read fields. We cause an exception in such cases rather than make up some undefined behavior. What I'm wondering is, is there some sensible behavior that could be specified for this case? The Oracle JDK seems to simply leave fields uninitialized in this case, maybe that can be a specified behavior?

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