The change look ok to me too.

There is a change in behavior here, but I don't expect it to be surprising ( no NPE where there once was ), so I think it should be fine for 8u-dev also.

The TCK test changes however, may not be suitable for 8u. Though I'm not sure how these tests feed from the OpenJDK repo into the actual TCK.


On 12/03/14 13:54, roger riggs wrote:
Looks fine,  (not a reviewer).

I can sponsor the fix when reviewed.

Thanks, Roger

On 3/12/2014 6:45 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
This is a request for review of this bug:

The method DateTimeFormatter withResolverFields() is supposed to
accept null. This is to allow a coy of the formatter to be returned
reset to the original state of having no resolver fields. The docs
"@param resolverFields the new set of resolver fields, null if no fields"
which was written to indicate that resetting to null is permitted.

The fix is to check for null and return a copy of the formatter. Note
that there are two variations of the method which need fixing.

Proposed patch:
The patch includes no spec changes.
The patch fixes the broken TCK tests.

I need a reviewer and a committer please.

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