On 04/03/2014 09:54 AM, Bruce Chapman wrote:
On 3/04/2014 6:01 p.m., Peter Levart wrote:
On 04/01/2014 11:28 AM, Bruce Chapman wrote:
Slightly preceding Ulf's coin proposal by a few hours was


Where I suggested the "naked dot" notation (coined in http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/coin-dev/2009-March/000855.html) has better value as ".. a syntax for referring to the receiver of a method inside arguments to the

More formally, the naked dot (at the start of an expression, not following an invocation to a void method) would refer to the receiver of the innermost surrounding invocation expression.

A: What is the receiver of the invocation of a static method?

B: What is the receiver of the invocation of a constructor?


I haven't checked the JLS formal terminology but in both cases it is the class's static context, such that a naked dot could only precede static methods and fields.


I'm asking about the meaning of the following (not very optimal) example:

myVeryLongNamedString.substring(Math.min(.indexOf("A"), .indexOf("B")), Math.max(.indexOf("A"), .indexOf("B")));

You're suggesting that invocations of static methods don't count towards the innermost invocation, since they don't have a "receiver" therefore the search for innermost receiver skips them?

If so, then the following code:

myVeryLongNamedString.substring(min(.indexOf("A"), .indexOf("B")), max(.indexOf("A"), .indexOf("B")));

could have two different meanings depending on whether unqualified min() and max() are invocation of static vs. instance methods. That's very hard to read then.

Regards, Peter

Regards, Peter

and so to answer Guy's question below in terms of my original intention rather than Ulf's proposal, .indexof("Q") would use myVeryLongNamedString as its receiver.

I see particular value for these naked dot expressions in creating fluent APIs such as builder patterns. As suggested in my coin post, there is also value for passing enums or named constants to methods when (as is often the case) these named constants are defined in the same class as the method being invoked. In a highly informal sense, the naked dot enables on demand changing of the scope to be that of the invocation expression's receiver,

I think with this interpretation of the meaning of naked or leading dot, Guy's compromise restriction below is not required.


On 27/03/2014 4:51 a.m., Guy Steele wrote:

I am a bit more skeptical about expressions that begin with a dot because of potential
confusion about which expression is referred to:

     myVeryLongNamedString.subString(.indexOf("C”), .indexOf("Q”))

seems clear enough, but what about:

myVeryLongNamedString.subString(.indexOf("C”) + otherString.length(), .indexOf("Q”))

Does the second occurrence of .indexOf use myVeryLongNamedString or otherString?

A compromise would be to allow leading-dot expressions to occur only within the arguments of the method call whose target is the object which the leading-dot expressions are expected to use as their target, and if there are such leading-dot expressions within the arguments then the arguments must not contain any non-leading-dot field references or method calls. Just a thought for discussion. This would be considered a separate mechanism from the chaining-of-void-methods mechanism (it was a very clever idea to try to unify them in Ulf's
original proposal, though).


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