On 9/10/14 1:25 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 10/09/2014 10:49, Daniel Fuchs wrote:

Please find below a proposed patch for

8043306 - Provide a replacement for the API that allowed to listen
          for LogManager configuration changes

Proposed Patch:

It would be nice if ConfigurationListener could be an interface. I
realize this might mean looking again at the security concerns in this
area again to see if we could get away without requiring a construction
time permission check. Clearly if it could be an interface then it begs
the question as to why it's just not a Runnable but that probably means
yet more effort to figure out the right security and whether the access
control context should be recorded when registering.

Given that both Paul & Alan have indicated that they would prefer
to use interfaces for listeners, I have been working on a
version that uses 'Runnable'.

Thanks to Paul & Alan for all the suggestions that went into
this new patch (especially for refining the spec and suggesting
a nice way to rewrite addConfigurationListener() using lambdas)!


best regards,

-- daniel

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