Hi Lance,

On 30/09/14 23:55, Lance Andersen wrote:
On Sep 30, 2014, at 5:20 PM, Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fu...@oracle.com
<mailto:daniel.fu...@oracle.com>> wrote:
On 9/30/14 9:09 PM, Lance Andersen wrote:
Shouldn't the other constructors indicate that an NPE will occur
similar to the default constructor if the pattern is null?

I assume that for the other constructors the NPE falls in the category
"parameters should not be null unless otherwise specified" which is
the usual rule for java.util.logging.

I have gotten mixed views on this and have gone and clarified this in
some cases.  Just think consistency would be good but your call

Thanks. I'd prefer not to modify the API documentation in this patch,
just to make it clear that the patch does not modify the spec.
There's some text somewhere in java.util.logging javadoc - either
package description or LogManager description that explicitely says
that unless otherwise specified null parameters will trigger NPE.
I can't say I like it very much but in the present case I think
I'm going to take advantage of it ;-) .


Just curious why you chose to put the check into openFiles() if the
issue is just with the default constructor?
I could have placed the check in the default constructor between
the call to configure() and the call to openFiles() - but I thought
it was better to put it in openFiles() - since the spirit of the spec
seems to be that pattern should be neither null nor empty
when openFiles() is called.

Guess the question is whether you feel the check is redundant for the
other code paths to openFiles().  Your call either way as the change
seems fine otherwise

It's a good remark. I reworked the patch to do the check in the
default constructor, and put an assert in openFiles().
It's much clearer this way.


Thanks Lance!

-- daniel


best regards,

-- daniel

On Sep 30, 2014, at 10:04 AM, Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fu...@oracle.com
<mailto:daniel.fu...@oracle.com>> wrote:


Please find below a fix for

8025690: Default FileHandler constructor doesn't
        throw NullPointerException if pattern is empty and count > 1

The default constructor of FileHandler is specified to throw
a NullPointerException if the pattern property string is an
empty string.

However it strangely does so only when count=1

The fix adds an additional check in openFiles() to verify that
the pattern is not empty. At this point the other constructors
(which take a pattern as parameter) will already have thrown an
IAE if the pattern was empty (or an NPE if it was null).


best regards,

-- daniel

<Mail Attachment.gif>
Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering
1 Network Drive
Burlington, MA 01803
lance.ander...@oracle.com <mailto:lance.ander...@oracle.com>

<http://oracle.com/us/design/oracle-email-sig-198324.gif>Lance Andersen|
Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering
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Burlington, MA 01803
lance.ander...@oracle.com <mailto:lance.ander...@oracle.com>

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