On 10/23/2014 05:06 PM, Joel Borggrén-Franck wrote:
Hi Martin,

On 23 okt 2014, at 00:53, Martin Buchholz <marti...@google.com> wrote:

Here at Google we have both kinds of scalability problems - loading classes
from a classpath with 10,000 jars, and loading a single class file packed
with the maximal number of methods.  This message is about the latter.

If you have a class with ~64k methods with a superclass that also has ~64k
methods, class loading that single class will cost you ~30sec and calling
Class.getMethods another ~10sec.  Both are unacceptably slow. I think both
are due to O(N^2) algorithms, the first in hotspot, and the second in
Throw in lots of interfaces with lots of default methods and i suspect this can 
get even worse. I spent some time thinking about this when fixing an issue with 
reflection for default methods, reviewed here [1].

Hi Joel,

I may have found another issue:

interface A4 extends B4, C4 {}
interface B4 extends D4 { void m(); }
interface C4 extends D4 {}
interface D4 { void m(); }

Calling A4.class.getMethods() returns B4.m, D4.m - this is supposed to be OK as per JDK 7 spec.

Changing both methods to default methods:

interface A5 extends B5, C5 {}
interface B5 extends D5 { default void m() {} }
interface C5 extends D5 {}
interface D5 { default void m() {}; }

A5.class.getMethods() returns B5.m - this is new in JDK 8 spec for default methods.

Now see the following two examples (just one method is default, the other is abstract):

interface A6 extends B6, C6 {}
interface B6 extends D6 { void m(); }
interface C6 extends D6 {}
interface D6 { default void m() {}; }

A6.class.getMethods() returns B6.m, D6.m

// B.m, D.m
interface A7 extends B7, C7 {}
interface B7 extends D7 { default void m() {} }
interface C7 extends D7 {}
interface D7 { void m(); }

A7.class.getMethods() returns B7.m

Do last two examples give expected result? Why are A6 and A7 different? What is the rule here? I would expect A6.class.getMethods() only return the D6.m default method. This is the non-abstract method that gets used when implementing an interface.

If A6 example is really showing a bug, then I may have a solution that fixes it *and* is faster than current code for getMethods() + it is O(n)...

Is there a test that validates correctness of getMethods() or at least a set of interfaces and/or classes to exercise the algorithm and compare it to a different implementation?

I have the start of a fix for Class.java, but it makes the common case
slower.  A really good fix is harder to find.  In general, I think
Class.java could benefit from some performance-oriented rework.  Is anyone
else working on class loading performance, especially in hotspot?

We have been thinking about replacing the duplication of the method lookup 
logic in j.l.Class with a call to the VM which should already have the 
information needed. I’m not sure why the logic was duplicated on the library 
side way back when this was written. This isn’t something we are actively 
working on though.

Does VM have enough information to quickly compile the list of public methods (getMethods() equivalent) or only to look-up the public method (getMethod() equivalent)?

Regards, Peter

As an aside, I often found myself wanting for the actual method descriptor when 
working with this, but considering there can be *a lot* of instances of 
Method/Constructor adding a descriptor field to Executable wasn’t an obvious 
win to me.


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2014-May/026782.html

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