
Here's a patch:


for the following issue:


For those following the thread "Loading classes with many methods is very expensive", this is a 4th iteration of this patch. I stepped back from the approach taken in 3rd webrev and rather refined approach taken in 2nd webrev. Instead of using a LinkedHashMap with values being linked-lists of nodes holding Method objects with same signature, which couldn't be made so that iteration would follow insertion order, I used plain HashMap this time. MethodNode(s) holding Method objects form a linked list of those sharing the same signature. In addition MethodNode(s) form a separate doubly-linked list of all nodes which is used to keep insertion order. The space use should be the same as I traded two object pointers in MethodNode for two less pointers in HashMap.Entry (vs. LinkedHashMap.Entry that was used before). So insertion order is not tracked by Map but instead by MethodTable now. I also track size of MethodTable now so there's no pre-traversing pass to allocate Method[] when requested.

This version seems to be the fastest from all tried so far (measured by http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk9-dev/Class.getMethods/GetAllRtMethods.java using "-Dsun.reflect.noCaches=true"):


19658 classes loaded in 2.027207954 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.945519006 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.95250834 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.917841393 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.971922977 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.947145131 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.937122672 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.893975586 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.90307736 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.918782446 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.881968668 seconds.


19658 classes loaded in 2.034081706 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.8082686 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.743307034 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.751591979 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.726954964 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.761067189 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.70825252 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.696489363 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.692555238 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.695150116 seconds.
494392 methods obtained in 0.697665068 seconds.

I also updated the test that checks multiple inheritance of abstract methods as I found that my 1st iteration of the algorithm was not getting the same results as original code although all jtreg tests were passing. I added 4 cases that include abstract classes as well as interfaces to the mix. Some of them would fail with my 1st version of algorithm.

All 86 jtreg tests in java/lang/reflect/ and java/lang/Class/ pass with this patch applied.

Regards, Peter

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