
Doesn’t the class documentation of Number [1] provide sufficient clarity, to 

" The specific semantics of the conversion from the numeric value of a 
particular Number implementation to a given primitive type is defined by the 
Number implementation in question.”


“[…] conversions may lose information about the overall magnitude of a numeric 
value, may lose precision, and may even return a result of a different sign 
than the input. See the documentation of a given Number implementation for 
conversion details.”

That said, it might not however hurt slightly to modify the descriptions of 
{float,double,int,long}Value() to read something like, for longValue() for 

"Returns the value of the specified number as a {@code long}, which may
 involve rounding, truncation, or some other narrowing conversion."



On Dec 16, 2014, at 4:55 AM, Andreas Lundblad <> 

> I've noticed that the documentation of Number.longValue says:
>> Returns the value of the specified number as a long, which may involve 
>> rounding or truncation.
> BigInteger and BigDecimal does not seem to honor this contract since they 
> implement this method by masking out the lower bits of the number (and I've 
> found no definition of "rounding" or "truncation" that encompass this 
> behavuor). The documentation of these classes even state that "[...] this 
> conversion can lose information about the overall magnitude of the BigInteger 
> value as well as return a result with the opposite sign."
> I suggest the documentation of Number.byteValue/shortValue/intValue/longValue 
> should be updated to give room for this type of implementation.
> (I filed an issue on this and got a confirmation email with the following 
> link: Since then 
> this page has gone missing. Where did the bug report go, and why didn't I get 
> any notification about the removal?)

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