On 01/03/2015 02:29 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
----- Original message -----
Wouldn't it be better to "register" for finalization just those instances that 
complete their
construction or deserialization normally? I'm just trying to understand
why it is the way it is.

Perhaps that might be an option, someone who knows more about finalization 
might be able to help here.

In the early days, the sandbox and bytecode verifier were intended to make java 
secure, additional private methods were created as vulnerabilities were better 

I think a problem with Serialization is you have to establish trust before you 
can use it.

It would be nice if there was an input validator like html servers use, to 
validate the stream before instantiating objects.  Eg array size check before 
array creation, type check before object instantiation and restrict creation to 
permitted classes, to a subset of what's available on the class path.

You can do this already, albeit to a more limited extent, by customizing class resolution in ObjectInputStream.

Other approaches include using readResolve/writeReplace to create serialized representation objects, and the existing validation scheme where the validator is deferred until the deserialize operation is complete.


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