On Feb 5, 2015, at 1:36 AM, Brent Christian <brent.christ...@oracle.com> wrote:
> I prefer this approach of discouraging/preventing side-effects via CME, 
> rather than allowing them.  Keep the functions "functional", as it were.
> If there are situations where determining the mapping for one key 
> necessitates making additional changes to the Map, that should be coded some 
> other way.  IMO, sneaking extra work into computeIfAbsent() is too big a 
> departure from how the method is intended to be used.
> Regarding the default methods:
> Would we be able to make a "best-effort" detection of comodification by 
> checking for a change in size before and after calling mappingFunction?  Or 
> are there other reasons we "cannot do anything" about the default methods?

Yes, i suppose we could, of course it would not detect any aliasing when 
sampling the size.

My inclination is to leave these as is and focus on the most common concrete 


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