
Please help review the changes for  JDK-8073152

Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8073152
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8073152/webrev/

This change is to re-organize how the "standard" and "extended" charsets repository are built for the jdk/jre images. Before module system, the "standard" charset provider is built into rt.jar and the "extended" charsets provider is in charsets.jar, which is located in the "lib/ext" directory. both are available during the system boot time. In jigsaw, the extended charsets provider is in jdk.charset (vs the "standard" is in java.base) module and might not be "visible" during the early phase of system classes loading, which might cause problem as some of the charsets now in "extended" charsets may needed during the boot stage. The proposed change here is to re-organize the way these two providers are built, and put in the mechanism that enable the build system to configure which group of charsets need to be moved from the "extended" charsets into the "standard" (java.base), based on the target
platform, during the jdk build time.

The updates are

(1) to consolidate the existing configuration files "sbcs", "dbcs", "extsbcs" and "standard-charsets" (and the aliases table originally hardcoded in ExtendeardCharsets.java) into a single configuration file "charsets" to define all supported charsets, with their
      name, clz name,  history name, package name and all aliases

(2) in addition to the the "standard charsets" provider, now the "extended charsets" provider class is also built during the build time based on the new configuration file "charsets"

(3) to add a build-time mechanism to specify individual sun.nio.cs.ext charset to be built into "standard" charsets provider (sun.nio.cs package in java.base module), with os-specific configuration file, such as stdcs-linux, stdcs-windows and stdcs-solaris.

(4) to move DoubleByte, HKSCS and DelegatableDecoder classes into sun.nio.cs, so they can be used/referenced by those dbcs classes that might be moved into sun.nio.cs

(5) to change some sun.nio.cs.ext implementation java files to be a ".template", so the real .java can be generated during build-time with correct pkg name and aliases info.

There are two leftover, gb18030 and euc_tw, these are two charsets with huge mapping table. Might
need special update to better fit into sun.nio.cs later.


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