On Feb 26, 2015, at 12:38 PM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hega...@oracle.com> wrote:

> On 24 Feb 2015, at 15:07, Chris Hegarty <chris.hega...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> On 24 Feb 2015, at 11:45, Peter Levart <peter.lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...
>>> That's better now. Let me just try to measure the overhead of tracking on 
>>> simple objects to see if it actually pays off or is contra-productive in 
>>> any case.
>> Thanks. I’ll see if I can get some measurements also.
> I created a very simple benchmark [1] that deserializes a single object with 
> no fields. Run with JDK 9 b52, on a reasonably fast machine ( results [2] ), 
> we can see the time taken to reconstitute the simple object is relatively 
> large compared to the measured 5ns [3] for the fence on a, slower, ARM 
> processor. The fence should be a noop on x86 and SPARC.  When you start 
> adding fields to object being deserialized [4] the time increases 
> significantly. 
> Result: 2176.895 ±(99.9%) 72.194 ns/op [Average]
>  Statistics: (min, avg, max) = (2131.529, 2176.895, 2287.482), stdev = 47.752
>  Confidence interval (99.9%): [2104.701, 2249.089]
> Given this, I think we should issue the fence unconditionally. A nice 
> property of this is that custom readObjects, using Unsafe, no longer need to 
> reason about transient final fields, they can simply use putXXX for any field.
> Updated, and greatly simplified, webrev:
>  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/deserialFence/webrev.04/webrev/

A nice simplification.

On Feb 26, 2015, at 12:57 PM, Chris Hegarty <chris.hega...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> I created a very simple benchmark [1] that deserializes a single object with 
>> no fields. Run with JDK 9 b52, on a reasonably fast machine ( results [2] ), 
>> we can see the time taken to reconstitute the simple object is relatively 
>> large compared to the measured 5ns [3] for the fence on a, slower, ARM 
>> processor.
> Of course, this measurement was for a hotspots post construction StoreStore, 
> we are issuing a StoreStore|StoreLoad, but the general idea is still the 
> same, the fence is relatively insignificant, when performed per graph, 
> compared to the cost or re-consisituing the graph.



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