On 03/04/2015 02:15 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

> The flag UseUnalignedAccesses feels a little awkward. IIUC it seems
> to be acting as two things, a flag signalling an unaligned
> architecture and a developer option to disable/enable unaligned
> intrinsics.  Should this flag even be allowed to be set to true on
> aligned architectures?

No.  I guess they should unconditionally set it to false in their
vm_version files.

> Perhaps we need to separate out into two constants? one exposed via
> Unsafe.unalignedAccess, and then a developer flag
> UseUnalignedAccessesIntrinsics (true by default if unaligned
> architecture) to disable intrinsics for testing purposes.

The "constant" exposed via Unsafe.unalignedAccess has to be
initialized to some value.  I think that setting it in vm_version (in
a cpu-dependent way) is a good idea.  For testing purposes it's
important that the whole VM gets a consistent version of whether
unaligned memory accesses are allowed.

> My inclination is to remove the get*Unaligned(..., boolean
> bigEndian) methods and thereby consistently use Bits.swap in the
> heap buffer. A similar pattern applies for float/double conversion.

I suggest that you and John argue that between yourselves!  I think
there's a lot to be said for that approach on architectures which can
do unaligned accesses and have big- and little-endian memory

> It might be useful to have unaligned access methods for the
> single-register addressing mode methods. 

Ah, you mean the methods which simply take an address?  Yes.

> Using those would clean up logic in MappedByteBuffer and perhaps
> similar twiddling methods in Bits could be removed, thus
> consolidating all such logic within Unsafe?

Absolutely, yes.  There are twiddling methods all over the place, and
we should be able to remove most of them.


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