Hi Peter,

Introducing a public Process subtype would not be a binary compatible change;
the return type of ProcessBuilder.start can not be narrowed.
As you surmised, a different start method would be needed on ProcessBuilder.
Since ProcessBuilder is the preferred mechanism to created processes, I would
leave Runtime.exec alone to avoid a proliferation of similar methods.

If ProcessHandle were an interface, Process would still have the conflict over the return type of onExit() since CompletableFuture<Process> is not type compatible with CF<ProcessHandle>. So not quite the winning combination to enable polymorphism.


On 3/12/2015 10:38 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
On 03/12/2015 02:39 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:

Just a thought, it might be useful to introduce a public subtype of Process that is returned from ProcessBuilder for which the guarantees about behavior could be tighter (no UOEs). It would also provide a place to document the behaviors
now spread across ProcessBuilder and Process.

$.02, Roger

That was my thinking too today. A Process2 or XProcess? If ProcessHandle was an interface this subtype could implement it (back to square one). I think it could be an interface if Process2 was not publicly extendable (package-protected constructor) as it would not represent part of extensible API.

Does that mean that we would need additional methods ProcessBuilder.start2() / Runtime.exec2() too?


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