Hi Pavel,

On 14/04/2015 9:57 PM, Pavel Rappo wrote:

I've been looking into an old doc issue [1] on incompleteness in description of
handling incorrect arguments in BufferedWriter.write(String, int, int).
In a nutshell it's concerned that given the following facts:

     1. Writer.write(String str, int off, int len)
        promises to throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
        if (off < 0) or (len < 0) or (off+len < 0) or (off+len > str.length())

     2. class BufferedWriter extends Writer

     3. BufferedWriter.write(String s, int off, int len)
        states [2] that in contrast to its parent it won't do anything
        if (len < 0)

behaviour of BufferedWriter.write(String s, int off, int len) is unspecified for
other cases mentioned in its parent.
I thought it's very natural to think that you don't need to copy-paste contracts
into children unless they break it or you want to elaborate some details.
Basically because of subtype relationship, general principles of OOP and Liskov
Substitution Principle.
i.e. in this case a line in BufferedWriter.write's javadoc

          * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}

is implied.

@throws rather than @exception but yes, unfortunately historically people have been unaware of the need to explicitly state in the javadoc that a subclass inherits the unchecked-exceptions of its parent. This is usually an oversight, but of course a subtype is allowed to weaken preconditions.

Unfortunately, BufferedWriter.write disobeys [3] the remainder of the contract
of its parent. So we either have to make additional notes in the javadoc like
with `len < 0` case or go and fix the bug instead.

Yep. In this case it seems odd to allow the parents preconditions to be weakened but I can't say whether someone thought there was a valid reason for it. But once the implementation is out of sync with the implied/assumed contract then you are looking at a spec change regardless - either to make the inherited spec clear (and fix the implementation) or to clearly document the change in behaviour.

I wonder if it makes sense to fix those bugs altogether and remove the initial
`len < 0` exceptional behavior. I fully understand that it formally breaks
backwards compatibility because of the cases where such calls were lurking in
code and ran unnoticed. But [2] shows that it wasn't done for some specific use
case but rather was a mistake. Thus I don't think it would be a big stretch to
assume that this thing affects no real world applications. Otherwise people
would have noticed that something is not being written at all.

Code that writes nothing when passed a negative 'len' is probably exactly what the user expects. If an exception were originally thrown then to me it seems likely the user would have added the "if (len > 0)" check themselves and so still "write nothing" in this case. So no bug would have been observed. If you start throwing the exception now then existing code may be broken.

When the code has been out of sync with the spec for an extended period of time the safe approach is to adapt the spec to the code, not the other way around.


P.S. I'm very interested in an outcome of this case mainly because I've noticed
some more similar things in java.io package (e.g. [4]).


[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8029804
[2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-4156573
[3] To be honest, it silently disobeys parent's guarantees, thus some
     bizarre things are possible:

         bw.write("abc", 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // ok
         bw.write("abc", -1, -1); // ok
         bw.write("abc", -1, 1); // undeclared StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

[4] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8067801

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