Hi Remi,

On Apr 15, 2015, at 1:58 PM, Remi Forax <fo...@univ-mlv.fr> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> I think you're seriously underestimate the cost of this JEP.

That is why we are asking for feedback :-) I want to understand the impact and 
get some concrete reasons why certain aspects are difficult.

> You're asking Java devs to:
> - be able to maintain several codes with different source level compatibility 
> in the same code tree.


> - add a level of indirection in all tools that crawle/compile Java source code
> - add a level of indirection in all tools that crawle/rewrite bytecodes

How common is it to statically process the byte codes of a JAR file to produce 
a new JAR file as opposed to doing that dynamically at runtime? (I know of 
obfuscating tools, which IIRC were more commonly used for mobile?)

Are processed JAR files then re-distributed via say maven or kept internally to 
be used with a specific stack?

Would such tools process use the JarFile class to get access to the JAR file 

> all of that to support a feature that:
> - is not clearly defined

To me what is not clearly understood is the potential impact, where as the 
feature itself is actually fairly simple to grok.

> - is supposed to only solve cases where delta between versions is small

Yes, it's anticipated there would be a small number of classes that would 
require changing.

> - comes with no help from the JDK (how to detect a version, etc).

We can propose such things for 9. For example, new public methods to JarFile. 
There will be a public JDK version query API in 9, is that what you mean by 
"how to detect a version?", or do you mean how can one analyze an MVJAR? (or 
perhaps both...)


> While I understand the comfort for the end user to have only one big fat jar, 
> it would like to see a prototype that have good answers to all these 
> questions before including it into the JDK.
> Said simply, tackling such problem requires a JSR not a JEP, because it's a 
> feature which impact a large number of parts of the Java ecosystem.
> regards,
> RĂ©mi

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