I'm still trying to wrap my head around the test logic for the (par & !ord)
&& (op == WhileOp.Drop) case
in the whileResultAsserter() method in WhileOpTest.

Wouldn't it be possible that, for an unordered parallel stream, dropWhile()
won't drop anything at all (i.e.,
drops an empty set)?

In that case, input.size() == output.size() and the set of matching output
elements is no longer a _proper_ subset
of the set of matching input elements. The whileResultAsserter() would fail
even though dropWhile() works correctly
(in a nondeterministic sense)?

It's a bit late now and I guess it's all in my imagination. Still curious


2015-06-02 15:13 GMT+02:00 Paul Sandoz <paul.san...@oracle.com>:

> Hi,
> Please review this webrev that adds take/dropWhile operations to streams:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psandoz/jdk9/JDK-8071597-take-drop-while/webrev/
> I opted to weight the documentation of the operations towards ordered
> streams in the first paragraph. That is what makes most sense in terms of
> usage and what most people will read. Thus i refer to the "longest prefix"
> in the first paragraph then define what that means in subsequent paragraphs
> for ordered and unordered streams:
>  482     /**
>  483      * Returns a stream consisting of the longest prefix of elements
> taken from
>  484      * this stream that match the given predicate.
>  485      *
>  486      * <p>If this stream is ordered then the prefix is a contiguous
> sequence of
>  487      * elements of this stream.  All elements of the sequence match
> the given
>  488      * predicate, the first element of the sequence is the first
> element
>  489      * (if any) of this stream, and the element (if any) immediately
> following
>  490      * the last element of the sequence does not match the given
> predicate.
>  491      *
>  492      * <p>If this stream is unordered then the prefix is a subset of
> elements of
>  493      * this stream.  All elements (if any) of the subset match the
> given
>  494      * predicate.  In this case the behavior of this operation is
>  495      * nondeterministic; it is free to select any valid subset as the
> prefix.
>  496      *
>  497      * <p>This is a <a
> href="package-summary.html#StreamOps">short-circuiting
>  498      * stateful intermediate operation</a>.
>  499      *
> ...
>  528     default Stream<T> takeWhile(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
>  537     /**
>  538      * Returns a stream consisting of the remaining elements of this
> stream
>  539      * after dropping the longest prefix of elements that match the
> given
>  540      * predicate.
>  541      *
>  542      * <p>If this stream is ordered then the prefix is a contiguous
> sequence of
>  543      * elements of this stream.  All elements of the sequence match
> the given
>  544      * predicate, the first element of the sequence is the first
> element
>  545      * (if any) of this stream, and the element (if any) immediately
> following
>  546      * the last element of the sequence does not match the given
> predicate.
>  547      *
>  548      * <p>If this stream is unordered then the prefix is a subset of
> elements of
>  549      * this stream.  All elements (if any) of the subset match the
> given
>  550      * predicate.  In this case the behavior of this operation is
>  551      * nondeterministic; it is free to select any valid subset as the
> prefix.
>  552      *
> ...
>  584     default Stream<T> dropWhile(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
> After this has been reviewed i will follow up with a further issue
> regarding the specification of takeWhile, stateful predicates and
> cancellation. I avoided such specification here as it's likely to rathole
> :-)
> Basically the takeWhile operation is implemented such that one can do:
>      long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
>      List<BigInteger> pps = Stream
>          .generate(() -> BigInteger.probablePrime(1024,
> ThreadLocalRandom.current()))
>          .parallel()
>          .takeWhile(e -> (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) <
> TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(5))
>          .collect(toList());
> Paul.

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