On 10/18/15 10:45 AM, joe darcy wrote:
On 10/17/2015 10:10 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
On 10/17/2015 05:46 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
(I view calling an "inherited" class static method to be poor coding style, but
neither javac nor NetBeans warns about it.)
That surely can be fixed.  Should we start a feature request?

I believe

     javac -Xlint:static ...

does the check of interest; from running javac -X

     static        Warn about accessing a static member using an instance

Nope, it doesn't, I was surprised too.

    class A {
        static void foo() {

    class B extends A {

        B.foo(); // no warning
        A a = new A();
        a.foo(); // warning
        B b = new B();
        b.foo(); // warning

I've filed


I checked NetBeans but I only looked briefly at the hints and style options, and nothing I enabled generated a warning. But it would probably be worth it for someone to take another look. It would also be helpful if somebody could check this with other IDEs as well.


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