Hi Vladimir, Peter,

once more, thanks for all your comments. The revised webrev is at 



> Am 28.10.2015 um 17:37 schrieb Vladimir Ivanov <vladimir.x.iva...@oracle.com>:
> Peter,
>> Hi Vladimir, I think you are right. The proposed fix alone even
>> increases the chance of duplicate class definition attempts as it delays
>> registration in cache to after whole clinit successfully finishes. I
>> would still keep this initialization rearrangement as it fixes the
>> possible publication race too. If the source of 1st exception is from
>> clinit method execution, then it would be best to skip forced class
>> initialization and delay it to its 1st use. Eager initialization does
>> not serve any purpose if the registration into cache is performed out of
>> clinit method as proposed in the fix.
>> To summarise: the proposed initialization fix would have to be
>> accompanied with removal of forced class initialization to achieve the
>> effect of your option (1) below.
> There's no benefit from skipping eager initialization - if class 
> initialization fails, the class becomes unusable anyway.
> The idea was to split class init and SPECIES_DATA field init. It would allow 
> to retry Species_* class init later once the initial attempt failed. But 
> there's not much value is that right now, since VM doesn't unload generated 
> adapters. So, once code cache is exhausted there's not much JVM can do about 
> it.
> Also, publishing not fully initialized Species_* class requires all users to 
> check whether the initialization is completed, which can be too much from 
> performance perspective.
> So, I'm in favor of modified (3) Michael proposed.
> Best regards,
> Vladimir Ivanov
>> Regards, Peter
>> Michael, Peter,
>> Thanks for detailed analysis! It was a hard one to track down :-)
>> Unfortunately, I don't see how the proposed change fixes the problem.
>> The failure occurs during SpeciesData instantiation
>> (BMH$SpeciesData.<init>). It means updateCache has not yet been called
>> from getForClass:
>> static SpeciesData getForClass(String types, Class<? extends
>> BoundMethodHandle> clazz) {
>>     return updateCache(types, new SpeciesData(types, clazz));
>> }
>> With your changes, updateCache is called only after successful loading
>> of a class. So, the cache isn't updated if there was an error during
>> previous attempt.
>> The real problem is more severe IMO. The loaded class is useless when
>> its initialization finishes abruptly, so there's no way to instantiate
>> it or reload. Right now it is manifested as a duplicate class definition
>> attempt, but if you avoid repeated class loading it will just fail
>> slightly later - the system is already broken and there's no way to recover.
>> I see the following ways to proceed:
>>   (1) delay class initialization (fill in Species_*.SPECIES_DATA field
>> afterwards) and attempt to finish initialization on subsequent requests,
>> but skipping class loading step;
>>   (2) use VM anonymous classes (see JDK-8078602 [1]) and just retry
>> Species creation;
>>   (3) give up on that particular Species shape and throw an error
>> whenever it is requested (how it works right now, but with more
>> meaningful error message).
>> I remember I experimented with (2), but even after JDK-8078629 [2] there
>> was still measurable peak performance regression on Octane/Nashorn.
>> (1) looks more favorable and robust, but right now there shouldn't be
>> much difference - there's no support in VM to unload MH.linkTo*
>> adapters, so the failure will repeatedly occur once the code cache is full.
>> My conclusion is that it is mostly a test problem, but java.lang.invoke
>> framework should clearly communicate the reason why it fails. Since the
>> test is aware about code cache overflow problems, it looks preferable to
>> go with (1) or (3) for now. VM should throw VirtualMachineError on
>> repeated attempts to instantiate SPECIES_DATA and the test already
>> filters them out.
>> Best regards,
>> Vladimir Ivanov
>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8078602
>> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8078629
>> On 10/28/15 12:19 PM, Michael Haupt wrote:
>>    Dear all,
>>    please review this change.
>>    Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8131129
>>    Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mhaupt/8131129/webrev.00/
>>    Thanks to Peter Levart, who has contributed the actual code to fix
>>    the issue.
>>    The background of this is as follows. Bug 8131129 is an intermittent
>>    failure in a multi-threaded test for LambdaForm caching. The failure
>>    was not reproducible but used to occur on various platforms every
>>    now and then. I was able to dig up some stack traces that reveal the
>>    real cause in internal test logs. These traces finally confirmed a
>>    suspicion that both Peter and I had had but could, for lack of
>>    complete failure information, not pin down as the cause of the
>>    issue. (Most traces from failures of the test were only partial, as
>>    the test harness is selective about traces it logs.)
>>    At the heart of the problem is an overflowing code cache for
>>    adapters in the VM. The test, dynamically generating considerable
>>    amounts of LambdaForm and BoundMethodHandle species classes, would
>>    eventually trigger this overflow. The place at which the problem
>>    would surface is this, in
>>    BoundMethodHandle.Factory.generateConcreteBMHClass():
>>    Class<? extends BoundMethodHandle> bmhClass =
>>          //UNSAFE.defineAnonymousClass(BoundMethodHandle.class,
>>    classFile, null).asSubclass(BoundMethodHandle.class);
>>          UNSAFE.defineClass(className, classFile, 0, classFile.length,
>>                             BoundMethodHandle.class.getClassLoader(), null)
>>              .asSubclass(BoundMethodHandle.class);
>>    UNSAFE.ensureClassInitialized(bmhClass);
>>    The test would generate a BMH species with a given type signature
>>    via defineClass and immediately thereafter force initialisation of
>>    that class, in the course of which a SpeciesData instance is
>>    supposed to be created and entered in the BMH species cache. In case
>>    the VM's adapter code cache overflowed during this operation, the
>>    BMH species' class initialiser would not finish its execution
>>    properly, leading to a stale placeholder entry left behind in the
>>    cache. The presence of this very placeholder would trick the next
>>    request for a BMH species with the same type signature into
>>    believing the class needed to be defined, leading to the observed
>>    failure.
>>    An exemplary stack trace is appended below.
>>    Both Peter and I had come up with solutions, but I think Peter's is
>>    better as it gets rid of the somewhat intricate and semi-hidden
>>    cache registration call made from generated code. With Peter's fix,
>>    it's all visible in library code now.
>>    Thanks,
>>    Michael
>>    -----
>>    java.lang.InternalError: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: no such
>>    method:
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.linkToStatic(Object,Object,int,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,MemberName)Object/invokeStatic
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.newInternalError(MethodHandleStatics.java:120)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle.makePreparedLambdaForm(DirectMethodHandle.java:214)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle.preparedLambdaForm(DirectMethodHandle.java:188)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle.preparedLambdaForm(DirectMethodHandle.java:177)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle.make(DirectMethodHandle.java:84)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup.getDirectMethodCommon(MethodHandles.java:1655)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup.getDirectMethod(MethodHandles.java:1600)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup.findStatic(MethodHandles.java:777)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Factory.makeCbmhCtor(BoundMethodHandle.java:817)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Factory.makeCtors(BoundMethodHandle.java:772)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.<init>(BoundMethodHandle.java:347)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.getForClass(BoundMethodHandle.java:411)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_IL7.<clinit>(Species_IL7)
>>             at sun.misc.Unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Native Method)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Factory.generateConcreteBMHClass(BoundMethodHandle.java:718)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.get(BoundMethodHandle.java:401)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.extendWith(BoundMethodHandle.java:388)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.newSpeciesData(LambdaFormEditor.java:363)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.makeArgumentCombinationForm(LambdaFormEditor.java:631)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.filterArgumentForm(LambdaFormEditor.java:612)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.filterArgument(MethodHandles.java:2667)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.filterArguments(MethodHandles.java:2654)
>>             at TestMethods$4.getMH(TestMethods.java:180)
>>             at TestMethods.getTestCaseMH(TestMethods.java:548)
>>             at
>>    LFMultiThreadCachingTest.lambda$doTest$0(LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java:80)
>>             at LFMultiThreadCachingTest$$Lambda$5/21979926.run(Unknown
>>    Source)
>>             at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
>>    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: no such method:
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.linkToStatic(Object,Object,int,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,MemberName)Object/invokeStatic
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MemberName.makeAccessException(MemberName.java:873)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MemberName$Factory.resolveOrFail(MemberName.java:990)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle.makePreparedLambdaForm(DirectMethodHandle.java:212)
>>             ... 25 more
>>    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.linkToStatic(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/invoke/MemberName;)Ljava/lang/Object;
>>             at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.resolve(Native Method)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MemberName$Factory.resolve(MemberName.java:962)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MemberName$Factory.resolveOrFail(MemberName.java:987)
>>             ... 26 more
>>    Caused by: java.lang.VirtualMachineError: out of space in CodeCache
>>    for method handle intrinsic
>>             ... 29 more
>>    java.lang.LinkageError: loader (instance of  <bootloader>):
>>    attempted  duplicate class definition for name:
>>    "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$Species_IL7"
>>             at sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass(Native Method)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Factory.generateConcreteBMHClass(BoundMethodHandle.java:715)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.get(BoundMethodHandle.java:401)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.extendWith(BoundMethodHandle.java:388)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.newSpeciesData(LambdaFormEditor.java:363)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.makeArgumentCombinationForm(LambdaFormEditor.java:631)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.filterArgumentForm(LambdaFormEditor.java:612)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.filterArgument(MethodHandles.java:2667)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.filterArguments(MethodHandles.java:2654)
>>             at TestMethods$4.getMH(TestMethods.java:180)
>>             at TestMethods.getTestCaseMH(TestMethods.java:548)
>>             at
>>    LFMultiThreadCachingTest.lambda$doTest$0(LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java:80)
>>             at LFMultiThreadCachingTest$$Lambda$5/21979926.run(Unknown
>>    Source)
>>             at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
>>    java.lang.LinkageError: loader (instance of  <bootloader>):
>>    attempted  duplicate class definition for name:
>>    "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$Species_IL7"
>>             at sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass(Native Method)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Factory.generateConcreteBMHClass(BoundMethodHandle.java:715)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.get(BoundMethodHandle.java:401)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.extendWith(BoundMethodHandle.java:388)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.newSpeciesData(LambdaFormEditor.java:363)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.makeArgumentCombinationForm(LambdaFormEditor.java:631)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaFormEditor.filterArgumentForm(LambdaFormEditor.java:612)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.filterArgument(MethodHandles.java:2667)
>>             at
>>    java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.filterArguments(MethodHandles.java:2654)
>>             at TestMethods$4.getMH(TestMethods.java:180)
>>             at TestMethods.getTestCaseMH(TestMethods.java:548)
>>             at
>>    LFMultiThreadCachingTest.lambda$doTest$0(LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java:80)
>>             at LFMultiThreadCachingTest$$Lambda$5/21979926.run(Unknown
>>    Source)
>>             at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
>>    STATUS:Failed.STATUS:Failed.STATUS:Failed.`main' threw exception:
>>    java.lang.LinkageError: loader (instance of <bootloader>): attempted
>>    duplicate class definition for name:
>>    "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$Species_IL7"
>>    `main' threw exception: java.lang.LinkageError: loader (instance of
>>    <bootloader>): attempted duplicate class definition for name:
>>    "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$Species_IL7"
>>    `main' threw exception: java.lang.InternalError:
>>    java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: no such method:
>> java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.linkToStatic(Object,Object,int,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,Object,MemberName)Object/invokeStatic
>>    java.lang.LinkageError: loader (instance of  <bootloader>):
>>    attempted  duplicate class definition for name:
>>    "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$Species_IL7"
>>             at sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass(Native Method)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Factory.generateConcreteBMHClass(BoundMethodHandle.java:715)
>>             at
>> java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$SpeciesData.get(BoundMethodHandle.java:401)
>>    -----


Dr. Michael Haupt | Principal Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +49 331 200 7277 | Fax: +49 331 200 7561
Oracle Java Platform Group | LangTools Team | Nashorn
Oracle Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Schiffbauergasse 14 | 14467 Potsdam, Germany
 <http://www.oracle.com/commitment>     Oracle is committed to developing 
practices and products that help protect the environment

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