On 20/11/15 15:25, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
On 20/11/15 09:43, Miroslav Kos wrote:
Locally, it worked for me, but I understand that it's dengerous - global
state is evil ... I removed all the scenarios modifying JDK/conf/ dir -
I just commented out those parts so if necessary, it can be uncommented
and run locally.

Hi Miran,

It's good that you were able to test the jaxm.properties file
scenario locally.
Commenting it out of the jtreg test so that it's not run
automatically in random test env seems like the right thing
to do.

best regards,

-- daniel
Thanks! Lance, are you ok with that? May I push it together with jaxws patch?



On 19/11/15 21:45, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 19/11/2015 18:36, Daniel Fuchs wrote:

Hi Miran,

I would expect this to fail horribly - you may not have the
right to create anything under $JAVA_HOME/conf - it may even
be a read-only file system... And I would be very uneasy as this
may have side effects on tests executing later on if anything
is left over in the java home conf dir...

There may be tests executing concurrently in other agent VMs too so we
need to avoid changing the config like this.


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