On 11/27/2015 01:39 PM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:

Prior to Java5, StringBuffer used to be able to share its internal char[] buffer with the String, returned with toString(). With introducing of the new StringBuilder class this functionality was removed.

It seems tempting to reintroduce this feature now in AbstractStringBuilder. The rationale here is that StringBuilder already provides a way of accepting the hint about the result's size. The constructor with the explicitly specified capacity is used for increasing the efficiency of strings concatenations. Optimizing this case by avoiding additional memory allocation and copying looks sensible to me.

Here's the draft webrev

It is tempting, yes. But I think there was a reason that this was dropped when StringBuilder was introduced and that reason was thread-safety. StringBuilder doesn't use any synchronization. If a concurrent thread gets a reference to a StringBuilder and executes mutating operations while some other thread calls toString() on the same StringBuilder, then returned String could appear to be changing it's content (be mutable), which can have security implications:

 413     public String toString() {
 414         final byte[] value = this.value;
 415         if (isLatin1()) {
 416             if ((count << coder) < value.length) {
 417                 return StringLatin1.newString(value, 0, count);
 418             }
 419             shared = true;
 420             return new String(value, String.LATIN1);
 421         }
 422         return StringUTF16.newStringSB(value, 0, count);
 423     }

927 public AbstractStringBuilder replace(int start, int end, String str) {
 928         if (end > count) {
 929             end = count;
 930         }
 931         checkRangeSIOOBE(start, end, count);
 932         int len = str.length();
 933         int newCount = count + len - (end - start);
 934         ensureCapacityInternal(newCount);
 935         unshareValue();
 936         shift(end, newCount - count);
 937         count = newCount;
 938         putStringAt(start, str);
 939         return this;
 940     }

For example:

static final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(3).append("abc");

Thread 1:

String s = sb.toString();

Thread 2:

sb.replace(0, 3, "def");

Question: What can Thread 1 print?

Thread 1 sets shared = true and shares value array with String, but when Thread 2 executes replace, it may not yet notice the write from Thread 1 and may not do anything in unshareValue(), effectively overwriting the shared array with "def".

Answer: I think anything of the following:





...and the answer may change over time. Now imagine handing over such string to new FileInputStream()...

Regards, Peter

This variant showed a significant speed improvement for the cases, when the the capacity is equal to the result's size (up to +25% to throughput). For the other cases, the difference isn't very clear based on my benchmarks :) But is seems to be small enough, as it only adds a few comparisons, coupled with already relatively heavy operations, like allocation and copying.

Here's the benchmark that I've used:

And the corresponding graphs.
http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/XXXXXXX-ASB-shared-value/ASB-Shared-bench-test15.png http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/XXXXXXX-ASB-shared-value/ASB-Shared-bench-test17.png
The blue line here stands for the baseline throughput.

If people agree, this is a useful addition, a test should also be added, of course.

Sincerely yours,

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