> On 3 Dec 2015, at 22:33, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> On Nov 26, 2015, at 8:22 AM, Paul Sandoz <paul.san...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have updated the patches:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psandoz/jdk9/JDK-8133348-reachability-fence-jdk/webrev/
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psandoz/jdk9/JDK-8133348-reachability-fence-hotspot/webrev/
>> There is now more documentation on Reference (copied and suitable rearranged 
>> from 166 Fences.java). The method name remains the same.
> I think the addition to the Reference class specification should belong to 
> the reachabilityFence method specification.  Any reason why not?

I thought it would be more visible in the JavaDoc, as it’s there upfront. The 
api note may get larger if we include some additional real world examples. I 
don’t have a strong opinion on this, if yours is stronger i will move it :-)

> I suggest to change this (occurs in the class spec and the method spec):
> <em>strongly reachable</em> (as defined in the {@link java.lang.ref} package 
> documentation),
> to
> <a href=“package-summary.html#reachability”><em>strongly reachable</em></a>

Good point. I also linked to the referred section in the JLS.

> Should the reachabilityFence method throw NPE if ref is null?

I am ok with it doing nothing, it’s a performance sensitive method. It means no 
null checks/de-opts are required and (hand-waving here...) might make it more 
amenable to optimization see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8130398).



reachabilityFence is now annotated with @DontInline (to be pushed real soon 
now) and the HotSpot changes are no longer needed.


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