
From a byte code analysis--toolsy point of view, it would be nice if you could deterministically find the end of a catch/finally block. Unfortunately, the ExceptionTable attribute only lists the starts of trys/catches/finallys.

Now obviously, there are times when you can determine the end of the catch/finally block:

If for instance a try block exits normally, javac, will insert a GOTO, from which you can clean the 'continuation' PC.

You can also determine the end of a catch block if it is followed by another catch or finally block.

However, there are pretty regular cases where you cannot, for instance if a try block ends with a return or a throw, and there is only one catch block or finally block, or those catch blocks that exist (before the last one) also return or throw.

String someMethod() {
   try {
        return getSomething();
   } catch (IOException e) {

   return doSomeMoreStuff();

In this scenario, there's no way to know if the 'doSomeMoreStuff() is in the catch block or not.

Now from a program execution point of view, it doesn't really matter. You can consider everything below the catch, (or finally) block to be part of that catch (or finally) block.

But there are cases, where for code analysis, you would really like to know.


It would be really nice if the ExceptionTable also listed a 'continuation pc'.

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