Hi Peter,

Stepping back just a bit.

The old Cleaner running on the Reference processing thread had a few (2) very well controlled functions, reference processing and deallocating DirectByteBuffers. Maybe we can't do too much
better than that.

The old worst case performance/latency wise was the reference processing thread did the work and the allocating thread did very little synchronizing and just did the retries. In the best case, all the real work was done by the allocating thread, if the interactions with GC work out perfectly. But it was still the case that the buffer alloc/dealloc throughput was met with the division of work separating the reference processing thread and the allocating thread.

The function that can only be provided by CleanerImpl / Reference processing thread state is
knowledge that the cleaning  queue is empty.
The helping functions were/are a bit troublesome because of mixing execution environments of the thread allocating direct buffers and the cleanables and it seemed that
more than a little complexity was needed to compensate.

If the bottleneck in processing is between the reference processing and cleanup then it should be ok (based on previous comments) for the CleanerImpl to help with reference processing (after it has an empty queue and before it blocks waiting or in every loop).
Though if you already tried this combination, I don't recall the results.

As you pointed out it would be more efficient if the allocating thread could be aware when it was known there was nothing ready to cleanup so it can retry and invoke GC or
throw out of memory if appropriate.
Adding a method that returned the count of completed cleaning cycles (or similar)
to CleanerImpl could exist with a minimal of coupling and still provide
the information needed without commingling the execution threads.

I don't see the need to change Cleaner to an interface to be able to provide
an additional method on CleanerImpl or a subclass and a factory method could
provide for a clean and very targeted interface to Bits/Direct buffer.

I'm sorry I haven't had time to try out concretely what I have in mind.
Please correct or remind me of missing salient considerations.

Thanks, Roger

On 4/2/2016 7:24 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Roger,

Thanks for looking at the patch.

On 04/02/2016 01:31 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
Hi Peter,

I overlooked the introduction of another nested class (Task) to handle the cleanup.
But there are too many changes to see which ones solve a single problem.

Sorry to make more work, but I think we need to go back to the minimum necessary change to make progress on this. Omit all of the little cleanups until the end
or do them first and separately.

Thanks, Roger

No Problem. I understand. So let's proceed in stages. Since part1 is already pushed, I'll call part2 stages with names: part2.1, part2.2, ... and I'll start counting webrev revisions from 01 again, so webrev names will be in the form: webrev.part2.1.rev01. Each part will be an incremental change to the previous one.

part2.1: This is preparation work to be able to have an extended java.lang.ref.Cleaner type for internal use. Since java.lang.ref.Cleaner is a final class, I propose to make it an interface instead:


This is a source-compatible change and it also simplifies implementation (no injection of Cleaner.impl access function into CleanerImpl needed any more). What used to be java.lang.ref.Cleaner is renamed to jdk.internal.ref.CleanerImpl. What used to be jdk.internal.ref.CleanerImpl is now a nested static class jdk.internal.ref.CleanerImpl.Task (because it implements Runnable). Otherwise nothing has changed in the overall architecture of the Cleaner except that public-facing API is now an interface instead of a final class. This allows specifying internal extension interface and internal extension implementation.

CleanerTest passes with this change.

So what do you think?

Regards, Peter

On 4/1/16 5:51 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:
Hi Peter,

Thanks for the diffs to look at.

Two observations on the changes.

- The Cleaner instance was intentionally and necessarily different than the CleanerImpl to enable the CleanerImpl and its thread to terminate if the Cleaner is not longer referenced.
Folding them into a single object breaks that.

Perhaps it is not too bad for ExtendedCleaner to subclass CleanerImpl with the cleanup helper/supplier behavior and expose itself to Bits. There will be fewer moving parts. There is no need for two factory methods for
ExtendedCleaner unless you are going to use  a separate ThreadFactory.

- The Deallocator (and now Allocator) nested classes are identical, and there is a separate copy for each type derived from the Direct-X-template. But it may not be worth fixing until the rest of it is settled to avoid
more moving parts.

I don't have an opinion on the code changes in Reference, that's different kettle of fish.

More next week.

Have a good weekend, Roger

On 4/1/2016 12:46 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 04/01/2016 06:08 PM, Peter Levart wrote:

On 04/01/2016 05:18 PM, Peter Levart wrote:


About entanglement between nio Bits and ExtendedCleaner.retryWhileHelpingClean(). It is the same level of entanglement as between the DirectByteBuffer constructor and Cleaner.register(). In both occasions an action is provided to the Cleaner. Cleaner.register() takes a cleanup action and ExtendedCleaner.retryWhileHelpingClean() takes a retriable "allocating" or "reservation" action. "allocation" or "reservation" is the opposite of cleanup. Both methods are encapsulated in the same object because those two functions must be coordinated. So I think that collocating them together makes sense. What do you think?

...to illustrate what I mean, here's a variant that totally untangles Bits from Cleaner and moves the whole Cleaner interaction into the DirectByteBuffer itself:


Notice the symmetry between Cleaner.retryWhileHelpingClean : Cleaner.register and Allocator : Deallocator ?

Regards, Peter

And here's also a diff between webrev.12.part2 and webrev.13.part2:


Regards, Peter

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