Hi Stephen,

On 5/4/16 8:25 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
A new instance is being created each time for size-zero
lists/sets/maps. This should return a singleton.

Yes, this is a fairly obvious optimization. It's been on my personal to-do list, but I've moved this to a sub-task in JIRA: JDK-8156079.

On the other hand, the tradeoff isn't so obvious. By analogy, we cache the small, integral boxed values. This saves memory but reduces locality.

Still, this ought to be considered.

The serialization proxy is reminiscent of those in JSR-310 but less
space efficient. Once per stream, the proxy will write
"java.util.ImmutableCollections.SerialProxy", whereas the JSR-310 one
is "java.time.Ser". Thats about 29 bytes more than it needs too. ie. a
package-scoped java.util.Ser would be more efficient.

Good point. I'll refactor this to a top-level, private class with a shorter 

There are no messages for IndexOutOfBoundsException.

Will fix to use Objects.checkIndex().

Like Peter, I'm not convinced that extending AbstractList is the way
to go, although I can see arguments both ways.

(I think this was Rémi.) Extending AbstractList makes it convenient to have a bunch of different variations, but it does come with some baggage. More discussion in my (forthcoming) reply to Rémi.

equals() and hashCode() could be optimized on the size 0, 1 and 2
classes, as probably can some other methods.

Should spliterator() should be overridden to add the IMMUTABLE flag?

Yes, there are a bunch of methods that can and should be overridden in order to improve things. As you point out, spliterator() is one of them. This is already tracked by JDK-8133978, still future work.

For maps, I implemented this years ago which may be of interest:

Interesting. Thanks for the link.

I disagree with altering the iteration order. Guava's ImmutableSet and
ImmutableMap have reliable iteration specified to match creation
order. This aspect of the design is very useful.

I think this is a reasonable thing to want, but it would be a different API. The current Set.of() and Map.of() APIs have unspecified iteration order, and I want to "enforce" that via randomizing the iteration order. Having unspecified iteration order, but with the implementation giving a stable order, is the worst of both worlds. It lets clients bake in inadvertent order dependencies, and then when we do change it, it breaks them. (This seems to happen every couple years with HashMap.) Randomizing iteration order helps preserve implementation freedom.

That said, it's a fine thing to have a different API that gives a Set or Map with a stable iteration order. Several people have asked for this. I've filed JDK-8156070 to track this.


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