Hi, Please review:
http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psandoz/jdk9/JDK-8157239-vh-tests-xcomp-timeout/webrev/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psandoz/jdk9/JDK-8157239-vh-tests-xcomp-timeout/webrev/> A recent change modified the VH tests to test the lambda form linkage route: -Djava.lang.invoke.VarHandle.VAR_HANDLE_GUARDS=false However this causes test timeouts when the tests are run with -Xcomp. I think this is due to -Xcomp triggering recompilation storms due to lack of caching of linking lambda forms (which will be sorted out later on). The solution for the moment is to remove that test execution mode on iteration-based tests, and the mode will be added back once -Xcomp execution issues have been resolved. Paul.