
Please see the updated webrev

Thanks and Regards,
On 6/9/2016 4:29 PM, nadeesh tv wrote:
Hi Stephen,

On 6/9/2016 4:19 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
"absHours / 10 > 0" would be simpler as "absHours >= 10"

Around line 3595 we have
  boolean paddedHour = isPaddedHour();
but 6 lines down isPaddedHour() is used, not the local variable

There is an extra space in the message here:
  new DateTimeException(" Value out of Range
also, I'd use "range", not "Range".

The maximum for ZoneOffset is actually 18:00:00 not 23:59:59, however
it is not worth validating that here. The base validation for 23/59/59
that has been added is just fine, values between 18 and 23 will be
rejected later in the processs when attempting to create an instance
of ZoneOffset.

I don't see any tests for

new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendOffset(pattern,
"Z").appendValue(ChronoField.NANO_OF_DAY).toFormatter().parse(offset +

which should work for most of the patterns.
I intentionally avoided it. I will create a positive test cases for working patterns and negative test cases for rest.



On 9 June 2016 at 10:27, nadeesh tv <nadeesh...@oracle.com> wrote:
Hi Roger,
Thanks for the comments.

Please see the updated webrev
Thanks and regards,

On 6/9/2016 2:36 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:

HI Nadeesh,

Looking better


- line 3678: If array[1] == 24, offsetSeconds will be greater that seconds
in a day;  that's not right.
I don't think hour=24 is valid. (and there would be test case(s) for

There should be test cases for offsets over the limit of hours, minutes, and
seconds: 24:60:60

Thanks, Roger

On 6/8/2016 2:59 AM, nadeesh tv wrote:


Please see the updated webrev

I reused code provided by Stephen and handled the edge cases accordingly

Thanks and Regards,

On 5/31/2016 7:15 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

Where the new patterns are described in Javadoc, there is no
discussion of the difference between "H" and "HH".

Add after </ul>

"Patterns containing "HH" will format and parse a two digit hour,
zero-padded if necessary. Patterns containing "H" will format with no
zero-padding, and parse either one or two digits."

"with colo" should be "with colon"

As for the main code, I've had a go at a rewrite:

It is completely untested, and surely has mistakes, however as a
design it seems reasonable.

I agree that the tests need to cover these cases:

- offset at end of line
- offset followed by letters
- offset followed by numbers


On 26 May 2016 at 08:49, nadeesh tv <nadeesh...@oracle.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Please review

BugId : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8066806

Issue: java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter cannot parse an offset with single
digit hour

webrev:  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ntv/8066806/webrev.03/

Solution: Added the suggested patterns but the parsing logic became too
   Appreciate any suggestion to make the  parsing less complicated

Thanks and Regards,
Nadeesh TV

Thanks and Regards,
Nadeesh TV

Thanks and Regards,
Nadeesh TV

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