> On Jun 23, 2016, at 11:37 AM, Roger Riggs <roger.ri...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I was concerned about inter-operation between versions because serialized 
> objects
> are passed between Java runtimes with different versions and both need to 
> compute
> the same serial version uid (if it is not explicitly declared). The older 
> java runtimes will
> compute the serial version uid without regard to your change.
> If javac always turns on the ACC_FINAL bit and using -target 8 and then the 
> class file
> is executed in a Java 8 runtime, it seems like it would compute a different 
> value
> which would be in compatible change.  It might be safer to introduce this 
> change
> only with the new class file version number.

Ugh, this is a good point.  Hadn't thought about that use case.

How should we compare these two compatibility risks?:

(1) Using identical class binaries on two sides of a pipe, but running 
different JDK versions, a class has different UIDs on the two sides.

(2) Using class binaries compiled from different versions of javac on two sides 
of a pipe, but running the same JDK versions, a class has different UIDs on the 
two sides.

Your suggestion to use "-target" helps to reduce the likelihood of (1).  But 
there may still be classes that are broken in this scenario.  Some examples:
- Really old classes that had ACC_FINAL set (it has been turned on and off once 
or twice in javac over the years)
- Classes that target 9, but a bytecode rewriter converts to run on 8, without 
tweaking ACC_FINAL
- Classes generated by other compilers (Eclipse doesn't use ACC_FINAL for anon 
inner classes at the moment, but what about, e.g., other languages?)

As for (2), fixing this javac bug without touching ObjectStreamClass will 
impact all Serializable anonymous inner classes -- a much wider net.  Then 
again, they've received fair warning: "the default serialVersionUID computation 
is highly sensitive to class details that may vary depending on compiler 
implementations"; and my understanding of common practice is that users who 
serialize anonymous classes understand that they should have identical binaries 
on both sides.

So (1) is a much narrower problem, but also more serious: users can reasonably 
consider a failure to serialize/deserialize with identical class binaries to be 
a bug; they can't really complain about a new compiler version spitting out 
different bytes.



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