That’s a great idea to add a test patching VersionProps generated with 
different version strings.

We should file a JBS issue and add such a new test.


> On Jun 28, 2016, at 9:07 AM, Daniel Fuchs <> wrote:
> Hi,
> WRT to testing - one thing that could be done (possibly in a
> followup patch) would be:
> class VersionProps {
>   ...
>   static List<Integer> parseVersionNumbers(String versionNumber) {
>       // parsing code goes there
>   }
>   static List<Integer> versionNumbers() {
>       return parseVersionNumbers(VERSION_NUMBER);
>   }
>   ...
> }
> that would allow writing/adding a unit test for the algorithm
> implemented in parseVersionNumbers (either using white-box
> with -Xpatch or using reflection and the proper
> incantations to invoke parseVersionNumbers from outside the
> package).
> cheers,
> -- daniel
> On 28/06/16 15:57, Volker Simonis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> can somebody please review this trivial fix:
>> The problem is that VersionProps.versionNumbers() incorrectly parses a
>> Java version string because it doesn't skip the separating dots. The
>> current version only works for one digit versions like "9" but will
>> fail for any longer version string like for example "" with:
>>        at 
>> java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(java.base@
>>        at 
>> java.lang.Integer.parseInt(java.base@
>>        at 
>> java.lang.VersionProps.versionNumbers(java.base@
>>        at 
>> java.lang.Runtime.version(java.base@
>> This also breaks the build which uses a newly built jdk for
>> bootstrapping if we set '--with-version-patch=1' for example.
>> An can you PLEASE, PLEASE finally do your internal/early access builds
>> with '--with-version-patch=1'. It seems really careless to me that you
>> introduce a new, up to four digit versioning schema but only test the
>> shortcut version with one digit. I wouldn't be surprised if a version
>> like "" breaks more Java applications than the sun.misc.Unsafe
>> removal :)
>> Thank you and best regards,
>> Volker

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