I’ve updated the webrev to incorporate the changes suggested by Oleg Barbashov. 
 This changeset has a couple of minor changes to the tests and I’ve changed the 
Validator class to be an instance of Consumer<JarEntry>.


> On Jul 18, 2016, at 6:33 PM, Steve Drach <steve.dr...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Please review the following:
>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sdrach/8158295/webrev.01/ 
>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sdrach/8158295/webrev.01/>
>>> issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8158295 
>>> <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8158295>
>>> This changeset adds a multi-release jar validator to jar tool.  After the 
>>> jar tool builds a multi-release jar, the potential resultant jar file is 
>>> passed to the validator to assure that the jar file meets the minimal 
>>> standards of a multi-release jar, in particular that versioned classes have 
>>> the same api as base classes they override.  There are other checks, for 
>>> example warning if two classes are identical.  If the jar file is invalid, 
>>> it is not kept, so —create will not produce a jar file and —update will 
>>> keep the input jar file.
> I’ve updated the webrev to address the issues raised — 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sdrach/8158295/webrev.02/index.html 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sdrach/8158295/webrev.02/index.html>
>> jar/Main.java
>> 284             // This code would be repeated in the create and update 
>> sections.
>> 285             // In order not to do that, it's here as a consumer.
>> 286             Consumer<File> validateAndClose = tmpfile -> {
>> Why does it need to be Consumer rather than just a method?
> I changed it to a method.
>> Then i think you don’t need to rethow, but you can still keep the try block 
>> and use finally for File.deleteIfExist since it will not complain for the 
>> case where you move.
> Done.
>> 558             int i1 = s1.indexOf('/', n);
>> 559             int i2 = s1.indexOf('/', n);
>> 560             if (i1 == -1) throw new NumberFormatException(s1);
>> 561             if (i2 == -2) throw new NumberFormatException(s2);
>> I think you are trying to reject entries directly under the versioned area 
>> so it’s not about numbers (same in the validator, so there is some 
>> redundancy?).
> A couple things here.  The most obvious is it should be “if (i2 == -1)”.  I 
> replaced NumberFormatException with a new InvalidJarException.  I added a 
> comment that
> this code is used to sort the version numbers as string representations of 
> numbers, therefore “9” goes before “10”, not usual for string sorts.
>> 588             AtomicBoolean validHolder = new AtomicBoolean();
>> 589             validHolder.set(valid);
>> Pass valid to the constructor
> Done.
>> Validator/FingerPrint.java
>> It would be useful to have some comments on what is checked in terms of API 
>> compatibility. e.g. describe what FingerPrint collects and how Validator 
>> uses it.
> Added some commentary to FingerPrint.
>> FingerPrint.java
>> 205         private final Map<String,Field> fields = new HashMap<>();
>> 206         private final Map<String,Method> methods = new HashMap<>();
>> Not sure you need to use a Map, why not use a Set?
> Not sure why I did it with Maps instead of Sets, but I wanted to keep the 
> method and field names and maybe that made sense at one time.  It doesn’t 
> now, so Sets they are.
>> Change Method to be literally a representation of a single method rather 
>> than a consolidation that is lossy for the set of exceptions.
> Done.

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