On 9/12/16 11:38 AM, Amy Lu wrote:

This test was put into ProblemList.txt in 9/117 due to test timed out issue: JDK-8155857.

Test failure (timed out) is reproducible with 9/117 and 9/118, but issue gone in 9/119 and *not* reproducible anymore since 9/119. Issue must has been resolved with other fixes.

Tested with the very latest build on all platforms, test pass. Standalone run test in loop for 500 times, test all pass.

As issue does not exist anymore, test could be removed from ProblemList.txt

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8165818


Sorry, the patch: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amlu/8165818/webrev.00/

--- old/test/ProblemList.txt    2016-09-12 11:55:51.000000000 +0800
+++ new/test/ProblemList.txt    2016-09-12 11:55:51.000000000 +0800
@@ -312,8 +312,6 @@

 tools/launcher/FXLauncherTest.java 8068049 linux-all,macosx-all

-tools/pack200/Pack200Props.java 8155857 generic-all
 tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java 8165772 generic-all


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