That would give you unwanted duplicates

Fi-Fum and Fum-Fi for instance

On 09/11/2016 08:58 PM, Tagir Valeev wrote:
Actually given the fact that we're iterating the Set (so the elements are unique) and using the assumption that iteration of the same set is stable, you can avoid numbering like this:

for(String e1 : set) {
  for(String e2 : set) {
    if(e1 == e2) break;
    System.out.println(e1+" <-> "+e2);

Again, such algorithm is fragile to concurrent changes.

With best regards,
Tagir Valeev.

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 7:51 AM, Tagir Valeev < <>> wrote:

    Hello, Peter!

    I thought about numbering, but original Dave's code involved
    concurrent set, so I presume that it's expected to be modified
    from other threads. In this case my algorithm would output some
    legal pairs (probably reflecting changes or not or reflecting only
    partially) while your algorithm can output garbage (pair with
    equal e1, e2 or two pairs like e1 <-> e2, e2 <-> e1 or can even
    die with NoSuchElementException). Not sure what is better in
    author's case.


    On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Peter Levart
    < <>> wrote:


        Even if the elements are not comparable, you could rely on the
        fact that Collection(s) usually create iterators with stable
        iteration order, so you could do the following:

                Set<Integer> set = Set.of(1, 2, 3, 4);

                Iterator<Integer> it1 = set.iterator();
                for (int n1 = 0; it1.hasNext(); n1++) {
                    Integer e1 =;
                    Iterator<Integer> it2 = set.iterator();
                    for (int n2 = 0; n2 < n1; n2++) {
                        Integer e2 =;
                        System.out.println(e1 + " <-> " + e2);

        Regards, Peter

        On 09/11/2016 02:02 PM, Tagir F. Valeev wrote:

        As your keys are comparable, you can create normal iterators and
        filter the results like this:

        for(String v1 : s) {
           for(String v2 : s) {
             if(v1.compareTo(v2) < 0) {
               System.out.println(v1 + " <-->" + v2);

        Or using Stream API: ->
             .filter(v2 -> v1.compareTo(v2) < 0).map(v2 -> v1 + " <-->" + v2))

        With best regards,
        Tagir Valeev.

        DB> It would be nice to be able to associate each element in a 
        DB> with another element in the collection, which is something very 
        DB> done with index based collections, but with sets, etc this isn't so
        DB> easy... unless i'm having a brainfart.

        DB> So i'd like to do this, but Iterator doesn't implement Cloneable... 
        DB> reason not to? or is there another way that's missing me?

        DB> public class ItClone {

        DB>      public static void main(String[] args) {
        DB>          Set<String> s = Collections.newSetFromMap(new
        DB> ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>());

        DB>          s.add("Fee");
        DB>          s.add("Fi");
        DB>          s.add("Fo");
        DB>          s.add("Fum");

        DB>          Iterator<String> it1 = s.iterator();
        DB>          while (it1.hasNext()) {
        DB>              String v1 =;

        DB>              Iterator<String> it2 = (Iterator<String>) 
        DB>              while (it2.hasNext()) {
        DB>                  String v2 =;

        DB>                  System.out.println(v1 + " <-->" + v2);
        DB>              }
        DB>          }
        DB>      }
        DB> }

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