On 2016-10-17 20:07, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 17/10/2016 12:17, Claes Redestad wrote:

one partial cause for startup regressions due to jigsaw is related to
URIs for the location of each module.

By providing a package-private constructor we can avoid the time to
scan and
validate the URI, which takes a little time (executes ~80K bytecodes)
but also
pushes various methods over compilation thresholds during early startup,
which more notably interferes with perceived startup.

This looks okay, I just wondering if JavaNetAccess should be renamed to
JavaNetUriAccess to avoid it being used to access other classes in
java.net. If renamed then I guess createUri could be renamed to create too.

Most other SharedSecrets classes seems to be per-package, so not sure
if this case is special enough to start making them per-class, other than the slightly more natural naming.



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