
Please review.


This is a nasty edge case when a URLStreamHandler is registered (via the system 
property) to process jar: URLs.

The support for multi-release JAR files changed the implementation of 
ClassLoader.findResource such that the to be returned jar: URLs would not be 
operated on, and therefore the jar: URLStreamHandler would not be queried [*]. 
If the returned jar: URL is operated on by the caller then the jar: 
URLStreamHandler would (of course) be queried.

This is arguably an implementation detail but it does change long term 
established behaviour in a very delicate area.

While i find it unpalatable to do so this patch restores the previous 
behaviour, if a custom jar: URLStreamHandler is registered. The compromise is 
such a custom jar: URLStreamHandler needs to explicitly support multi-release 
JAR files.


[*] Note that there are already such optimisations for file: URLs.

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