Thank you, Mandy!

Comments inline.
> On Mar 6, 2017, at 6:00 PM, Mandy Chung <> wrote:
>> On Mar 6, 2017, at 5:27 PM, Alexandre (Shura) Iline 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could you please review the suggested fox for: 
>> There has been a bit of discussion on jigsaw-dev, but it perhaps make sense 
>> to include core-libs-dev.
>> There have been some fixes since the review was published, so we are now at 
>> revision #4:
> I reviewed webrev.04 which is in a good shape.  Here are my comments:
> W.r.t. the JavaTask methods:
> 110         new JavaTask()
> 111             .addExports("java.base", "jdk.internal.reflect")
> 112             .vmOptions("-version")
> 113             .run();
> I prefer it to use <module>/<package> to represent the source in the same way 
> as the command-line argument to `—-add-exports` option, as Alan suggests.  

I see a point in doing that. At the same time I want to point out that there 
will be cases when the user will be forced to do a concatenation such as
.addExports(JAVA_BASE + “/“ + JDK_MISC, ALL_UNNAMED)
i.e. JAVA_BASE is a constant which is used multiple times in the code.

This not a deal breaker - I will change it in the next iteration.

> Also specifying the target explicitly makes the test clearer what it does.
>  .addExports(“java.base/jdk.internal.reflect”, “ALL-UNNAMED”)

Makes sense.

I hope though that you are not against having a constant for “ALL-UNNAMED”, 
such as Task.ALL_UNNAMED. A lot of people, myself included prefer usage of 
constants over the copy-pasted value.

> Similiarly, module(String mid) takes the argument passed to `—-module`.
> addReads(String source, String… targets)
>  I suggest to require a non-empty targets.  i.e. ALL-UNNAMED must be 
> specified.
> `—-add-modules` is a repeating option and JavaTask::addModules does not 
> support that.
> 148             .addModules("jdk.naming.dns,jdk.compiler”)
> This should be “addModules(“jdk.naming.dns”, “jdk.compiler”)”
> JavaTask should be extended for the new `-—add-opens` option 
> classArgs(String… args) might be better to rename to mainArgs(String… args).
> modulePath, upgradeModulePath, classPath - maybe just take Path arguments.  
> 136             .shouldContain(Task.OutputKind.STDERR, "IllegalAccessError");
> 164             .shouldContain(Task.OutputKind.STDOUT, "specified more than 
> once”);
> It may be useful to add “stdoutShouldContain” and “stderrShouldContain” 
> method, like what ProcessTools provides.

There will be a further discussion on this - Igor will be summarizing it in a 
separate e-mail. What he will be suggesting is 
or something similar.

> ignoreStandardOptions()
> ignoreStandardModuleOptions()
> It might be confusing what “standard options” are.  They are the options 
> configured by jtreg and inherited from the test run.
> What about “doNotInheritTestOptions” or “doNotInheritTestRuntimeOptions”?

Sounds good to me.

> It seems better for JavaTask constructor to take a boolean/enum flag. Instead 
> of a public JavaTask constructor, what about JavaTask.newTask(Enum) or 
> JavaTask.newTaskWithInheritTestRuntimeOptions() explicit factory methods? 
> Either way is fine with me.
> public JavaTask ignoreStandardOption(String option, int parameterCount) {
> public JavaTask filterStandardOption(Function<List<String>, List<String>> 
> filter) {
>  - should these methods be private?

Yes for filterStandardOption(…).
I meant  ignoreStandardOption(String, int)  as a public API. Some options are 
supported by JavaOptions, but there could be others which are not. But I agree 
that we can hide it for now - there may never be a case for it.

> what if classArgs and module are both called?  The builder should detect that 
> and throw IAE to help troubleshooting since the main class should either be 
> in a named module or just class name.


> TaskError - Alan suggests to be TaskException extends RuntimeException 
> instead.


> System.out.println("Running " + pb.command().stream().map(s -> "\"" + s + 
> "\"").collect(Collectors.joining(",")));
> - it would be useful to print the command-line that I can cut-n-paste to a 
> shell and rerun.

Makes sense.

> i.e. no need to wrap with double quotes except -classpath and --module-path 
> etc.  Use space rather than “,” as separator.
> Task.Mode.* is defined to launch via different mechanism.  For java launcher, 
> it has only one way.  For jar, jlink, jmod and other tools, we can now use 
> java.util.ToolProvider.  It might be useful if we had a JlinkTask in the 
> future.  We should either drop Task.Mode or update its comments.
> Should we remove the use of JDKToolFinder since I assume jdk.testlibrary.task 
> will replace jdk.testlibrary.* helper classes in the future.

Probably also make it private for now. Or remove - we can re-introduce it later.

> I suggest the package name be “jdk.testlibrary.task” singular rather than 
> plural.

It will also need to go to the top-level test library, to allow HS team to use 

> Mandy

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