On 4/15/17 10:34 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
Just commit your changes; they look fine; we will merge into jsr166 CVS.

OK, will do, thanks.

I have the usual doc-related gripes ... all the docs for openjdk should be
checked into mercurial so they can be maintained along with the classes they

Yeah, docs are a problem, as usual. There is some progress, though. See JEP 299 [1] which proposes to reorganize the docs from the "brick wall" diagram. At least the various specification documents buried under here (e.g., JNI, Serialization, ..., but not JVMS & JLS) will end up in OpenJDK. Various bits of docs about component technologies will also be moved into OpenJDK, as I've proposed to do for collections with JDK-8177788.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/299

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