Hi Magnus,

Webrev updated:

On 5/12/2017 4:26 AM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
On 2017-05-10 23:05, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
Hi Roger,

Looks all right to me. I assume you will have already built the actual docs and clicked through the updated links. Always a bit painful …


Did you test the actual links?
Well, linklint tries; though the output is a bit clouded by the 7105 missing named anchors
and it did not complain about the missing #4100.

I found one needing updating:

In src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/ObjectStreamClass.java, class.html#4100 should be updated to class.html#stream-unique-identifiers.
yes, fixed

Also, the link in src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/String.java looks suspect. The text refers to Section 6.2 Stream Elements, but to get there the link should go to protocol.html#stream-elements. Instead it points to output.html, which is Section 2, Object Output Classes. I can't really tell which is correct, but my guess is that the text is correct and the link is not.
The current reference is to bullet 9 that describes procedurally how serializationof String occurs.

The target you suggest in protocol.html describes the encoding and would be ok too,
but for stability I'd leave it as is.

Is it ok to put in a <a id="java-lang-string-encoding"></a> anchor in the output.md markdown
or what is the preferred markup?

Thanks, Roger




On May 10, 2017, at 11:22 AM, Roger Riggs <roger.ri...@oracle.com> wrote:

Please review corrections to broken javadoc links:
- links to the serialization spec now in ./specs/serialization
- links in java.lang to java/util/Spliterator
- link in ModuleLayer to Classloader
- Links using ../../../.. do not work well when they show up in some indexes; they should use @docRoot



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