Hi Tony,

thanks for your interest in the OpenJDK AIX port. The AIX port has
been contributed by SAP in collaboration with our colleagues from IBM.
It is based on SAP's internal, commercially licensed SAP JVM which is
in productive use since more than 10 years.

We (from SAP) do nightly builds and tests of the OpenJDK AIX port and
we're happy to help with any issues we see or which are reported by
the community. But of course we can not guarantee any support - after
all it's an open source project :)

We've also contributed the OpenJDK linux/ppc64 port which is basically
the same as the AIX port with regard to the CPU-specific code (i.e.
interpreter, JIT, shared code, etc) and only differs in the
OS-specific part (i.e. Linux vs. AIX). We know that the linux/ppc64
port is currently distributed by all major Linux vendors (RedHat,
Ubuntu, Suse, etc) and used productively on their distributions
without any major issues.

Until now there hasn't been such a big interest in the AIX port (for
obvious reasons :) but we would very much welcome a more widespread
usage. Unfortunately, there's not much AIX-specific information
available. You can get the basic bits from our project page [1] and
Wiki [2]. The repositories for AIX are the current OpenJDK master
repositories for jdk8u [3] and jdk9 [4]. Recently, IBM has started an
effort together with the AdoptOpenJDK [5] project to establish a
regular, open and freely available OpenJDK build and deliver the
produced binaries. I've just invited you to their Slack channel (you
should receive it by mail). Please follow that thread where we've
recently discussed some build issues. One thing that may be of special
interest for you is the the build currently only works with XLC and
relies on some libraries from the "AIX toolbox for Linux" from IBM
(i.e. for freetype). Also, we don't have RPM .spec files for building
RPM until now.

If you have any more questions please feel free to ask on this list
and/or the Slack channel.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/ppc-aix-port/
[2] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/PPCAIXPort
[3] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u
[4] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9
[5] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Adoption/Main

On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 9:29 AM, REIX, Tony <tony.r...@atos.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am one of the maintainers of the BullFreeware web-site where RPMs of 
> OpenSource packages for AIX are available (for free):  
> http://www.bullfreeware.com .
> I'd like to know:
>   - what is the status of this port of OpenJDK on AIX (is it usable in 
> production ?),
>   - where are the sources and the instructions for building it, and
>   - if there already exists a RPM .spec file for building RPMs.
> Thanks/Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Tony Reix
> Bull - ATOS
> IBM Coop Architect & Technical Leader
> Office : +33 (0) 4 76 29 72 67
> 1 rue de Provence - 38432 Échirolles - France
> www.atos.net

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