Meant to reply to core-libs-dev as well; doing so now.


On 23 July 2017 at 11:50, Jonathan Bluett-Duncan <>

> Hi Ivan,
> I'm not a reviewer per se, but I thought I'd chime in.
> There's a few things with which I think could be improved:
>    1. `comparingNumericallyLeadingZerosAhead()` is a confusing name for
>    me, as the "ahead" has no meaning in my mind; IMO the name `
>    comparingNumericallyLeadingZerosFirst()` better implies that "0001" <
>    "001" < "01".
>    2. It wasn't clear to me from the javadoc that the comparators compare
>    strings like "abc9" and "abc10" as "abc9" < "abc10", so I think they should
>    include more examples.
>    3. There's a typo in the javadocs for both methods: "represets" -->
>    "represents".
>    4. Where the javadocs say "follows the procedure", I think it'd make
>    more grammatical sense if they said "does the following".
>    5. The lines which say "at the boundary of a subsequence, consisting
>    of decimal digits, the" would flow better if they said "at the boundary of
>    a subsequence *consisting solely of decimal digits*, then the". Note
>    the removal of the comma between "subsequence" and "consisting".
> Hope this helps!
> Jonathan
> On 23 July 2017 at 05:36, Ivan Gerasimov <>
> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> This is a gentle reminder.
>> The proposed comparator implementation would be particularly useful when
>> one will need to compare version strings.
>> Some popular file managers also use similar comparing algorithm, as the
>> results often look more natural to the human eyes (e.g. File Explorer on
>> Windows, Files on Ubuntu).
>> Now, as Java 10 is been worked on, to sort the list of Java names
>> correctly, this kind of comparator is needed:
>> Look: a list { ... "Java 8", "Java 9", "Java 10" } definitely looks nicer
>> than { "Java 1", "Java 10", "Java 2", ... }  :-)
>> Would you please help review the proposal?
>> With kind regards,
>> Ivan
>> On 7/19/17 1:41 AM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> It is a proposal to provide a String comparator, which will pay
>>> attention to the numbers embedded into the strings (should they present).
>>> This proposal was initially discussed back in 2014 and seemed to bring
>>> some interest from the community:
>>> cember/030343.html
>>> In the latest webrev two methods are added to the public API:
>>> j.u.Comparator.comparingNumerically() and
>>> j.u.Comparator.comparingNumericallyLeadingZerosAhead().
>>> The regression test is extended to exercise this new comparator.
>>> Comments, suggestions are very welcome!
>> --
>> With kind regards,
>> Ivan Gerasimov

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